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Video Control Board

Final Cut Pro X




You will learn how to add titles and credits to your movie.


  • Open Titles and generators tab located at the top left corner.

  • Choose the title by skimming over each one

  • Once decided you can drag and drop it into the timeline, Or just double click on it .

  • You can edit the title either in inspector window or directly by double clicking on the added title.

  • Control + T will add the default title

  • you can add lower thirds from Titles and generators tab

  • Control + Shift + T will add the default lower third

  • Text opacity, position, and other adjustments can be done in Inspector window


Delete a title


  • Select the title that you want to delete from the timeline and press delete key


Keyboard shortcuts


  • Control + T - will add the default title

  • Control + Shift + T - add the default lower third


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