Keying is creating areas of transparency based on color or lightness values in an image. Usually it is applied against Green or Blue screen. Keying allows you to combine a foreground clip and a background clip into one video image
This is accomplished by two layer effects available in FCP
​​Chroma keys
To apply chroma key we need to shoot the video in proper color background. Either green or any solid colors. In chroma key we usually use the foreground as Green
Add the foreground clip (The clip that shot in Solid Background like Green)
Drag the background clip (the clip you want to superimpose the chroma key clip over)
Select the foreground clip in the timeline, then click the Effects button
Select the Keyer effect
Drag the effect to the timeline foreground clip you want to apply the effect to
luma keys
Luma keys provide a way to composite a foreground clip over a background clip based on
the luma levels in the video. This is most often useful for still images, such as a picture of a
logo over a black background
Place the playhead to the point in the background clip
Select the foreground clip in the timeline, then click the Effects button
In the Effects browser, select the Luma Keyer effect
Drag the effect to the timeline foreground clip you want to apply the effect to