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Video Control Board

Final Cut Pro X





  • To select a clip press C

  • To playback a clip press /

  • Enable audio meter by Shift + Command + 8 or by selecting it from below the viewer

  • Control + Option + 1 to set to waveform only

  • Adjust the wave form size = Control + Option + Up/Down keys

  • Clip Hight in timeline = Shift + Command + Plus/Minus keys




You can adjust the loudness or volume from Audio inspector or directly from the timeline.


  • -12 to -16 considered as the standard loudness while recording


You can enable the equalizer and customize it from inspector window

From effects you can choose the desired effect to apply in any of your audio or video clip

Playback levels are shown in three colors - Green, Yellow, and red. Red indicate the peak levels.

Always keep it in green levels so that you avoid clipping


Reference wave forms (If not showing set the same in references) shows the maximum visual resolution of your wave form


You can see the average volume levels from audio meter or by keeping your pointer on the volume bar on any clip.


You can adjust the volume change from inspector or directly from the timeline by adjusting the vertical bar (volume bar)


Press Control + Option + L and enter the db value and press enter (Applies to single o multiple clips)


You can select any range in a clip (press R) and increase or decrease the volume with the help of above methods




  • Fade will help you make a smooth transition between clips


Best Practice​


Keep the audio levels at -12 dBFS (decibel full scale) for a 16 bit audio

Keep the audio levels at -18 dBFS for 24 bit audio.


Keyboard Shortcut


  • C To select a clip press

  • - To playback a clip press

  • Control + Option + 1 - to set to waveform only

  • Control + Option + Up/Down keys - Adjust the wave form size

  • Shift + Command + Plus/Minus keys - Clip Hight in timeline

  • Control + Option + L - To enter the db value (Applies to single o multiple clips)

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