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Video Control Board

Final Cut Pro X



Create a new project


To create a Project


  • Choose File > New > Project (Command + N)

  • (Command + J) takes to Project settings window

  • FCP automatically saves your changes, there is no dedicated step to save your project.

  • While creating your project, you are prompted to fill in the following information.

Project Name: Type a name for the project.
Starting Timecode: If you want your project’s timecode to start at a value other than 
00:00:00:00, type a starting timecode value.
Format: Choose the video format (a specific method of encoding the video) or an 
aspect ratio.
Resolution: Choose the frame size of the video. 
Rate: Choose the frames per second (fps).
Codec: Choose the codec to use for your project’s background rendering.
Color Space: Choose the color space for your project, including the color space of the 
project’s render files. The color space you choose should be the color space in which 
you intend to export for final delivery. When the color-processing setting in the library 
Properties inspector is set to Wide Gamut HDR, wide-gamut settings appear in this 
menu. For standard formats, the rendering color space is chosen for you based on other 
settings. For example, setting the video format to NTSC SD automatically sets the color 
space to Standard - Rec. 601 (NTSC).
Note: This setting also determines the color space of the images sent to video scopes, 
the color space used to detect out-of-gamut colors; the color space of files exported 
using the Export File share option, and the color space of images that appear on your 
computer display.
Channels: Choose whether to present the audio as multichannel surround sound or as 
Sample Rate: Choose the audio sample rate for your project (the number of times a 
signal is measured—or sampled—per second). A higher sample rate produces higher-
quality audio and larger file sizes, and a lower sample rate produces lower-quality audio 
and smaller file sizes. The sample rate you choose depends on the source material 
you’re working with and the final destination of your audio.


Selecting clips for your project


When you add clips from the browser to a project in the timeline, you can add one or 
more whole clips, or you can add a range within a clip. 


  • Adjust the appearance of filmstrips in the browser and the timeline so that it’s 
    easier to make selections.

  • You can select  an entire clip, multiple clip and a portion within a clip based upon your choice.


X - Select the entire clip and shows the range handles.


  • To select a range in a clip, do any of the following

    • Drag the yellow border line to adjust the selection​

    • Use I and O keys

    • Use Shift + Command + I and Shift + Command + O for multiple selection.

  • To remove a selection, do one of the following

    • Option-click the range to deselect an individual range​

    • Choose Mark > Clear Selected Ranges (or press Option-X) to clear one or more ranges



inserting clips using keyboard shortcuts 


  • Select the clip from browser and press E to append the selected clip to end of the primary story line

  • Select the clip from browser and press W to insert the clip within the timeline. The insertion happens at the position of your play head

  • Select the clip from browser and press Q to add the clip as a connected clip to the story line. The insertion happens at the position of your play head

  • Use Option +W to insert a blank clip

  • Use Command + Option +W to insert a placeholder clip


Overwrite and replace​

  • Select the clip from browser and press D to overwrite the selected clip the primary story line

  • You can replace in your project with the clips from browser or the finder. In contrast to  overwrite edits, replacing works on whole timeline clips only and can change the duration of your project. But in overwrite, the duration of the project remains same. 

  • There are 5 replace options if you drag and drop a clip from browser. They are

    • Replace: The target clip is replaced with the source clip. Source duration will be applied​

    • Replace from start: Replace starting of the beginning of the source selection.

    • Replace from end: Replacing starting from the end of the source clip

    • Replace with Retime to fit: Target clip is replaced with the entire source clip selection, but timing will be retimed to fit the duration of the target clip



  • Default time duration for a still image is 4 seconds

  • Layered graphic files can be added to FCP and can be edited with an external applications. The changes will be automatically reflected in FCP

  • you can Freeze a frame and it can be used as picture frame in your movie, Press Option +F to freeze a clip. 

  •  If you created the freeze frame from a clip in the timeline: A new freeze-frame clip is 
    inserted at the skimmer or play head location in the timeline.
    • If you created the freeze frame from a clip in the browser: A new freeze-frame clip is 
    attached as a connected clip at the play head location in the timeline.


Add only Audio and Video​

  • Instead of adding audio and video to the timeline, You can choose either audio or video to be selected and added in timeline. 

    • Adding only audio to the timeline: Press Shift + 3 and drag the clip to timeline

    • Adding only Video to the timeline: Press Shift + 2 and drag the clip to timeline

  • Same options can be selected via button located above the timeline ​



  • You can simply select a clip and delete it by pressing delete key. In that case the overall timline will be changed depending upon the deleted clip duration

  • If you like to retain the clip duration, Use Shift + Delete to generate a blank clip in the place of deleted clip



  • Solo means enabling one clip audio and disabling all other clips audio in the timeline.

  • This can be enabled by Option + S.

  • Disabling a clip means making it invisible and silent during playback. Use key V to disable or enable a clip.


Keyboard shortcut​

  • Command + N - Create a new Project

  • X - Select the entire clip and shows the range handles.

  • Option-X - Clear Selected Ranges

  • I and O - To select ranges

  • Shift + Command + I and Shift + Command + O for multiple selection

  • Command + Z - Undo

  • R - Range selection tool.

  • A - Select tool

  • Option +F - Freeze a clip

  • E - append the selected clip to end of the primary story line

  • W - insert the clip within the timeline

  • Q - add the clip as a connected clip to the story line

  • Option +W to insert a blank clip

  • Command + Option +W - to insert a placeholder clip

  • D - to overwrite the selected clip from browser

  • Control + D - to see the duration of the media

  • Option +F - to freeze a clip will be inserted

  • Shift + 3 - to add audio of the clip to timeline

  • Shift + 2 - to add video only of the clip to timeline

  • Shift + Delete - to generate a blank clip while deleting a clip in the timeline

  • Option + S - Enable the solo

  • V - to disable or enable a clip


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