History of FCP
Final Cut Pro is a popular video (creating, editing, and producing) production tool run on Mac computers. The fully rewritten Final Cut Pro X was introduced by Apple in 2011. FCP has a long history starting from 1999. The completely revamped version of FCP hit on the market in 2011 with the name FCP X. Now many filmmakers and producers recommend and use this software as their core engine in film production.
User Interface
Import your media
Organize your media
Event - Final Cut Pro automatically organizes your imported media into events. An event is similar to a folder that can hold​ your media files.
Create a project
​project is the movie you create using the media from your events
Editing your movie
In this phase, you will trim, cut, add media files, add text, audio, effects, transitions, fast and slow motions to your movie​
Nondestructive editing
Export your movie
A library contains multiple events and projects in the same location. It is the root of your folder structure or top-level container in FCP to manage the media.
The library in FCP is denoted by 4 Stars.
The library tracks all your media files, your editing decisions, and the associated metadata​.
You can have multiple libraries open at the same time, and you can easily copy the contents between libraries.
Create a library.
You can rename a library.
You can open and close libraries as needed.
All your events can be seen when you expand your library.
Creating Libraries
Organize your work in the library
A library can contain multiple events and projects in the same location
Media that you import into a specific library is stored inside the library and is referred to as managed media.
Media can also be imported or copied to any location on a connected storage device and linked to the library as external media.
Render files, optimized files, proxy files, and analysis files are all considered generated media
- An event is similar to a folder that can hold projects as well as dozens of audio-video image files.
- The event resides under a library.
- Events will help you to organize your imported media
- By default, all events are stamped with the date that you import your media
- Use Option + N to create a new Event
Import Media
File>Import>Media or Command + I​ or Import Media button
Preview the files, Sort it based on date, size etc.
- Import Clips to Existing event or Create a new event
Copy to Library - Copy the source files into the library
Leave files in place - Link the source files to their original location where they are in. (symlinks)​
Add keyword while importing. Keywords can be added from finder Tags or folders. Keywords will be created for a number of people present in your shorts.
Clips with keywords you add manually or keywords imported from Finder tags or folder names have a blue line at the top​
clips with analysis keywords have a purple line at the top
- ​Transcoding is the process of converting the media to different formats for better performance and playback.
analyze media
- You can have Final Cut Pro analyze your media (video, audio, and still images) and automatically correct common problems.​​
- Analysis can detect the number of people in a shot and identify whether the shot is a close-up, medium, or wide shot. Then keywords will be created automatically.
- Select the video and audio analysis options that you want to apply while importing
Analyzing after import
Choose the file and reveal it in the browser
In the browser, Control-click the clip, then choose Analyze and fix. Then follow the onscreen instructions
The files which are analyzed have a purple line on the clip. To view the keyword, go to View>Browser>Skimmer info or Control + Y. Then skim the clip in the browser to see the keyword.
playback and skim media
Two tools to preview and playback media
Play head- Marks the current position. Move the play head by dragging (Called scrubbing). Playhead appears as a light gray vertical line. You don't hear audio while scrubbing
Skimmer-lets you preview the clips without affecting the play head position. Skimmer appears as a red vertical line as you move over clips. Freely mover any clips without affecting play head.
Enable or disable skimmer by S key
The skimmer has priority over playhed.
To play a project or clip, press the Space bar or click the play button in the viewer
Press Control-Shift-I to play from the beginning of a clip or a project
Press Slash(/) key to select a range and play
Audio skimming - You can enable or disable it under the view menu. or Shift + S
Shift+I moves your skimmer to start or beginning.
Control+Y for Skimmer Info
J,K, and L - Magic Keys
J=Move through reverse Speeds
L=Move through forward speeds
Can control the speed up to 32x
Move the play head one frame at a time: Hold down the K key, and press J or L.
Looping play back-View > Playback > Loop Playback or press Command-L
Full-screen view-View > Playback > Play Full Screen or press Shift-Command-F or Click the Play Full Screen button. You can still use the JKL keys to control the speed. To leave full screen press escape key
Use clip skimming for individual clip by Option-Command-S or View>Clip Skimming. This is useful if you have multiple audio clips stacked on timeline, and if you want to listen only to a particular clip
Keyboard Shortcuts
Option + N - Create a new Event
Command + I​ - Import Media
S - Enable or disable skimmer
Shift + S - Enable or disable sound while skimming
Space bar - play or Pause
Control-Shift-I - play from the beginning of a clip or a project
Slash(/) - select a range and play
Shift + I moves your skimmer to start or beginning.
Control + Y - Skimmer Info
j - Move through reverse Speeds
k - Pause
S - Move through forward speeds
Command-L - looping Playback
Shift + Command + F -Playback in full screen