Final Cut Pro includes a number of video clips called generators; Following are the built-in generators that you can use in FCP
Placeholder content
Timecode counter
Shape clip
General-purpose background clip
Placeholder content
If your project is missing content that hasn’t yet been shot or delivered, you can add a placeholder clip
Position your play head
In the Titles and Generators sidebar, click the Generators triangle, select Elements, then double-click the Placeholder thumbnail in the browser
timecode COUNTER
When sending your project for review, you can use the Timecode generator to superimpose
timecode over it, making it easier for reviewers to precisely specify sections when
providing feedback
Position your play head at the begenning
Click the Titles and Generators button in the top-left corner of the Final Cut Pro
window -
Select the Elements category, locate the Timecode generator, and add it to the timeline
This generator helps you to add a shape—such as a star, a diamond, an arrow, or
a heart—above the primary storyline
Position your play head
Click the Titles and Generators button in the top-left corner of the Final Cut Pro
window -
Select the Elements category in the Titles and Generators sidebar, locate the Shapes
generator, and add it to the timeline as a connected clip
Background clips​
To provide more interesting background you can use solid colors, and others are textures such as wood or stone
Position your play head
Click the Titles and Generators button in the top-left corner of the Final Cut Pro
window -
Select the background clip in the timeline